Bradley Marquez
Odessa Senior


Frank Mijares

Odessa Senior

Frank is the son of Frank and Angie Mijares. He has played three varsity sports-football, basketball, and baseball-while maintaining a 4+ GPA and a ranking in the top 10% of his senior class. He is a member of the National Honor Society,Texas Alliance of Minorities in Engineering, and the Texas Scholars Association. Frank is a youth leader at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and has served as a Meals On Wheels volunteer for the last three years. He plans to attend UTPB or Texas Tech to major in mechanical engineering.
Scotty Landon Satterwhite

Odessa Permian

Scotty is ranked in the top 10 of his graduating class with a 5+ GPA. A letterman in both football and baseball, Scotty has been a UIL participant in Number Sense and Calculator, a member of the John Ben Sheppard Leadership Class at Permian High School. He has attended Boy’s State Leadership and Citizenship Council in Austin and is a member of First Baptist Church in Odessa, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and Texas Scholars.


Things heated up for Odessa Senior by the second quarter as they put together back to back drives that both resulted in touchdowns raising the score to 17-14 in their favor. The second half started much the same way as the first half did for the Permian Panthers. By the end of the first, the score was settled at 21-17 in favor of the Panthers. However, in the fourth quarter, the Broncos quickly responded with a touchdown of their own. They would carry this lead and continue to score, leaving the field at a 38-21 victory.