In a clash of gridiron titans, the Eleanor Roosevelt Raiders host the Bowie Bulldogs at Eleanor Roosevelt High School Football Stadium on November 2, in a pivotal matchup of the 21st season of the Great American Rivalry Series. Since they first faced off in 1976, Eleanor Roosevelt has dominated the series with a commanding 42-7 record against Bowie.  

With a crowd of 2000 fans expected, the atmosphere promises to be charged as both teams vie for local supremacy and bragging rights. Last year, the Raiders displayed their offensive prowess in a 24-14 victory, while the Bulldogs battled admirably but ultimately fell short. Despite Bowie’s occasional upsets, Eleanor Roosevelt’s consistency has defined this rivalry over the decades. 

Under the Friday night lights, anticipate intensity, passion, and a showcase of top-tier high school football. 

We Know Friday Nights.