It was another showdown between the Hoover Buccaneers and the Vestavia Rebels. The game was played at the famous Regions Park Baseball Stadium where thousands of loyal fans gathered to witness which school would earn this year’s Rivalry Trophy.


Teyrence Glaze


William McCallum


Hoover’s scholarship winner is senior William McCallum, son of Debra McCallum and the late Richard McCallum. Will is a member of Bluff Park United Methodist youth group, Mu Alpha Theta, and the Spanish Honor Society.
Cole Adams

Vestavia Hills

Vestavia Hills’ scholarship winner is senior Cole Adams, son of Greg and Melinda Adams. Cole is a three-year letterman and a member of the Spanish Honor Society, Mu Alpha Theta, and the National Honor Society. He received the Presidential Volunteer Service Award and has been named a National Merit Semifinalist.


Vestavia is one of the few teams in the region that has remained competitive with the nationally recognized Hoover Bucs. Both teams were slow to score and with 10 minutes left in the first quarter, Hoover scored to begin their lead. Hoover held the lead through haldtime, and by the third quarter the Hoover defense prooved too strong for Vestavia. Late in the fourth quarter, Vestavia was able to run the ball and raise the score to 21-7. However, Hoover responded and ended the game 35-7.