In a clash that spans over two decades, the Hamilton Huskies and Chandler Wolves renew their gridiron rivalry at Jerry Looper Stadium on November 8th. This showdown, known as “The Battle for Arizona Avenue,” marks a pivotal moment in the 21st season of the Great American Rivalry Series.  

With Chandler holding a slight edge in the all-time series at 15-11, the Huskies are eager to narrow the gap after last year’s 49-13 defeat. Both schools are state championship contenders, with Chandler High School being the largest school in Arizona.  

Expect a packed house of 7,500 fans, pulsating with anticipation as these titans of Arizona high school football clash once more. Who will seize bragging rights this year? Find out under the Friday night lights, where tradition meets intensity.  

We Know Friday Nights